Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Does the U.S. Spend Too Much on Green Energy — or Not Enough? - TIME

it's not as if the private sector necessarily has a better track record than the government when it comes energy investments.
That simply will not happen without significant public investment, any more than the U.S. could have won World War II by relying only on investments from the private sector. As we develop our renewable energy infrastructure, there will be mistakes like Solyndra along the way — probably lots more — and there will be politically motivated waste as well, just as in every other form of public and private spending. We have to do it anyway. Anything else will leave us with a status quo energy system — and we know the status quo is a recipe for an environmental, political and economic disaster.

Stop talking about carbon [dioxide]! | Guardian Sustainable Business | guardian.co.uk

Why on earth, you might wonder, if we are so determined to reduce the carbon [dioxide] emissions of all these businesses should we not talk about carbon [dioxide]?


1 comment:

Faux Science Slayer said...

Everything in the current government controlled narrative is false. There is plenty on this website on the errors of "Global Warming"....a lie by any name. But little attention to the actual lie of "Green Energy". John Droz maintains great site on windmill lies. In the article, "The Green Prince of Darkness" the actual molecular erosion process of solar cells is examined. In "Fossil Fuel is Nuclear Waste" the Hubbert Peak Oil lie is exposed. It is way past time for a new paradigm.