Sunday, November 27, 2011

EU Referendum: The greatest delusion of them all

we know we are looking at a collective flight from reality which has no precedent in the history of the world.

Snow In The Deep South On Tuesday | Real Science

This is due to excess heat in the atmosphere, producing excessively warm moist air – which naturally falls as snow in Alabama.

£1 billion of UK aid to fight climate change in Africa - Telegraph

The UK is set to pour up to £1 billion of taxpayers money into helping African countries fight climate change.

Europe plan to 'green' public buildings to cost £50bn - Telegraph

Taxpayers will have to pay billions of pounds a year equipping council houses,
town halls, hospitals and other public buildings with the latest green
technology, under new proposals by the European Commission.

The New Nostradamus of the North: OECD and IEA intensify their global warming propaganda - US is main paymaster

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