Tuesday, November 22, 2011

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Mann admits deleting all criticisms from 'McIntyre and his minions' on RealClimate

So far, we've simply deleted all of the attempts by McIntyre and his minions to draw attention to this at RealClimate.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Climategate team 'spring cleans' emails not specified in FOIA requests, advises against use of email
I shall delete this email and those related to it as part of my regular routine of deleting old emails!

Climategate…Again? | Mother Jones

Many are speculating that the release was intended to derail the upcoming climate talks in Durban, South Africa—which would be true, if anyone were paying attention to them in the first place.

Brendan DeMelle | East Anglia SwiftHack Email Nontroversy Returns: What You Need To Know

There is nothing in these emails that in any way disproves the enormous body of peer-reviewed climate science.

Media Already Botching Reports On Hacked Climate Emails | Media Matters for America

Raphael Satter of the Associated Press has also has a
premature report, which has been published on the websites of countless news outlets, asserting that the emails "appeared
to show climate scientists talking in conspiratorial tones about ways to promote their agenda." What agenda is that? The article doesn't say

‘Climate-gate’ resurfaces with new round of e-mails - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Jonathan Overpeck, who co-directs the Institute for the Environment at the University of Arizona and whose comments are quoted in the recent batch of e-mails, said this round “seems to be more of the same and the conclusion will be the same, which is nothing was done wrong.” He added that when he and other researchers were writing e-mails several years ago, “No one was thinking, ‘What if these get stolen and get taken out of context, how will they sound?’

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