Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Washington Post warmist Juliet Eilperin continues to flout ombudsman

Journalist talks climate, politics | Stanford Daily

In a presentation titled “Climate Change and the 2012 Election: The New Wedge Issue?” Washington Post journalist Juliet Eilperin remarked Monday that she used to believe that the environment held little political weight....

Eilperin spoke Monday to an audience of around 50 about the intersection of environmentalism and politics in a forum hosted by the Woods Institute for the Environment in the Hartley Conference Center. She particularly touched on climate change denial by current Republican presidential candidates.

As an author, journalist and academic, Eilperin has become an expert in environmental policy.


Eilperin said she believes that the advantage lies with the left.

“If you contrast [the GOP’s opinion] with the general electorate, at least if you look at straight polls, they show… support for someone who addresses global warming,” she said.

“For Democrats and independents, you have more to gain by advertising this idea that you would address climate change,” Eilperin said. “It is significantly more of an asset than a liability for a presidential candidate.”

Flashback: Juliet Eilperin flouts WashPost Ombudsman | JunkScience.com

In November 2009, Washington Post Ombudsman Andrew Alexander excused reporter Juliet Eilperin’s biased coverage of climate stories, but he also warned her that readers would be watching — presumably even on national holidays like the Fourth of July.

Before we get to her latest effort, you may want to review our October 25, 2009 article that prompted Alexander’s wet noodle lashing of Eilperin. In that article, we pointed out that Eilperin is married to Center for American Progress senior fellow Andrew Light, who specializes in climate policy. Wouldn’t it be nice if every activist group could own (or be married to) a Post reporter?


Her conflict is crystal clear. The question is whether the Post will do anything about it.

You may want to ask the Post’s new ombudsman Patrick Pexton yourself. E-mail him at ombudsman@washpost.com.

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