Friday, December 02, 2011

DOE Can’t Hide This | Real Science

The 1930s was by far the hottest and driest decade in the US. Almost half of the US states set their high temperature record during the 1930s, and 80% of the US experienced drought during 1934 – compared to less than 20% now.

Climate Common Sense: Cowardly attacks on Canada

The Canadian Government is showing large cojones in standing up to the attacks in Durban by the Climate ignorati. Canada is now being made a whipping boy while the 40% emitters  China and the US are doing nothing ,because  it is easier to make poor old Canada a target and scapegoat than to offend the large nations. .  Good on you Canada!

Suppression of climate debate is a disaster for science - The Globe and Mail

Environment Minister Peter Kent has done us all a favour by stating the obvious: Canada has no intention of signing on to a new Kyoto deal. So long as, the world’s biggest emitters want nothing to do with it, we’d be crazy if we did. Mr. Kent also refuses to be guilted out by climate reparations, a loony and unworkable scheme to extort hundreds of billions of dollars from rich countries and send it all to countries such as China. Such candour from Ottawa is a refreshing change from the usual hypocrisy, which began the moment Jean Chrétien committed Canada to the first Kyoto Protocol back in 1998.

C3: The Lies of Durban: Kyoto CO2 Emissions Controls Were A Success

In fact, the empirical evidence clearly shows the Kyoto Protocol to be an abysmal failure. Instead of reducing CO2 emissions by 5.2% of the 1990 base year, actual 2010 CO2 emissions were some 46% higher and 2011 emissions are likely to be even higher. The UN and EU experts predicted the 5.2% reduction by year 2012.

Significance Of Climategate #2 – Further Evidence Of The Failure Of An Appropriate and Accurate Assessment Of Climate Science | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

There is a symbiotic relationship among funding agencies, principal investigators, national and international assessment committees, and the leadership of professional organizations to continue the huge amounts of research funding.  The results of this funding is often headlined to the media in press releases, so as to influence political decisions regarding a wide range of social and environmental issues, including energy. 

There is no internal stimulus among these groups to change the current approach. Such change will need to be imposed from outside of these venues, particularly from those in government who oversee this wasteful funding.

Twitter / @kristenvanschie: #thatawkwardmoment when u' ...

when u're the only journo in a presser. And u're only in there because you were looking for a quiet place to work.

Taxpayer-Funded Green Job Losses Easy as A123 | National Legal and Policy Center

It’s another day, and another round of layoffs by a recipient of millions of dollars under the Obama Administration’s renewable energy initiatives, administered by the mismanaged Department of Energy.

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