Friday, December 02, 2011

Energy Tribune- The Confused Climate Change Consensus

It would appear that the much claimed consensus among leading climate scientists is not in such general agreement these days. If there really is such a consensus, then the opinions from leading climate scientists should be reasonably consistent among them. What I am seeing instead is an increasing divergence among the man made climate doom community.

Is anyone tough enough to push through an aviation emissions agreement?

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) – the UN’s official aviation organ – is attempting to leverage this international antipathy toward the EU initiative by calling for global collective action on aviation emissions.

But to what end?

Changing climate of Republican opinion doesn't agree with Tea Party | Environment |

Among Tea Party supporters, Republican and Independent, only 30% see evidence of global warming and 11% accept it is manmade, according to the poll.

Among those opposed to the Tea Party, Republican and independent, a majority, 56%, see concrete proof of global warming and 28% say it is caused mainly by humans.

From Cairo to the Cape, climate change begins to take hold of Africa | John Vidal | Environment | The Guardian

The world's poorest communities have begun to experience extreme weather outside the natural variability of African climate. Without a rapid reduction in emissions, the continent faces calamitous temperature rises within this century

Coal study names top 20 'climate killer' banks | Environment |

JP Morgan Chase tops list of institutions that have financed coal-mining and coal-fired energy generation

As Page detox center closes, exposure deaths feared

PAGE - A northern Arizona detox center closed this week, leaving officials in Page concerned that more people could freeze to death this winter without a warm place to sober up.

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