Monday, January 09, 2012

I'll bet there are lots of juicy quotes here: Alleged non-activist Hayhoe links to a PBS page about her "identity as a climate change evangelist"

Twitter / @KHayhoe: Watch my PBS @secretlifer ...
Watch my PBS videos on my (not so secret anymore) identity as a climate change evangelist, here:
Chat with Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe:
Two ways. First, human-induced climate change began when - 4 billion years ago? No way! More like 300 years ago. It's a very recent problem. If the earth is only 6k years old then the problem is even more serious because our climate has been quite stable over the last 6k years, and so recent changes look even more alarming than they do in the context of the last million years! So for climate change, there is no need to think the earth is any older than 300 years to recognize that we have a serious problem. 
If you have some extra time to help fight the climate hoax, please consider going through some of the stuff on Hayhoe's PBS page. If you find a good quote, please consider emailing me the quote and a link to it.

1 comment:

Alex Cull said...

There's a 2009 interview with Katharine Hayhoe (linked to from the PBS site) which certainly has some interesting statements in it:

"Among climate scientists—people who spend their lives researching our world—there is no debate regarding the reality of climate change, and the fact that humans are the primary cause." [No debate whatsoever about humans being the primary cause?]

"In contrast, all we have to do is look at our long-term temperature records to recognize how we are currently experiencing a warming that is “off the charts” in comparison with anything we saw before the dawn of the Industrial Age. It’s warming, and it is an unnatural warming that coincides perfectly with our production of heat-trapping gases over the last 150 years." [The warming trend coincides perfectly with CO2 levels over 150 years? No ups and downs?]

"Sea level is rising; ice sheets are melting; spring is coming earlier in the year; insect, bird, and animal species are now seen further north than ever before. More than 25,000 of these types of changes have been seen around the world, all of them telling us that the world is warming." [All of these types of changes tell us the world is warming? Every single one of them?]

There does seem to be a rather noticeable lack of scientific caution.