Thursday, January 12, 2012

The PJ Tatler » “Green” Jobs to be Obama’s Bain? Obama Should Be So Lucky…

Politicians get stupid over the notion of jobs that they can point to as having “created”, tossing billions of other peoples’ money in the vainglorious pursuit flying in the face of history since at least Frederic Bastiat’s time. Their spines hardly stiffen once they create the constituencies to lobby them for more. Wouldn’t want to “kill jobs” now, would you?”

As one might hear at the movie theater, “don’t go in there!” The truth is that amid all of the EU wreckage of these policies, not one country has figured out a politically acceptable way of unwinding what they created, once these people become real voters. So, as is their habit, they just keep squandering money, going deeper into debt promising it will get fixed. Later.

We can’t afford this.

Climate Common Sense: Canberra Climate [Hoax] Palace

While taxpayers are struggling to maintain a decent living standard our climate bureaucrats parasites are getting ready to move into luxury offices in Canberra, paying 25% over the going rate so they can say it is "sustainable" . While the public is urged to recycle,conserve and re-use to save the environment these onanists are splurging on luxury accomodation for their new Climate Propaganda Centre. Over 20 million dollars is being spent on fit-out to make sure these free-loaders have all the comforts they could wish for.

Australia sets new record lows

Remember, it’s summer in Australia.

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