Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review & Outlook: Germany's Solar Crack-Up - WSJ.com

Berlin backs down on trying to 'grow pineapples in Alaska.'  [Hat tip: Rex]

GISS Make The Past Colder In Reykjavik « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

I have contacted the Iceland Met Office to get their view on the GHCN adjustments. Their reply could not be clearer :-

a) They were not aware these adjustments were being made.

b) They do not know why they have been made, but are asking!

c) They do not accept the “corrections” and have no intention of amending their own records.

Dr David Evans: The Skeptic’s Case « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions wrong. Why? Every serious skeptical scientist has been consistently saying essentially the same thing for over 20 years, yet most people have never heard the message — here it is, put simply enough for any lay reader willing to pay attention.

UN attempts to re-brand climate change

The “sustainable” branding for this year’s summit, rather than climate, is by design, said Ambassador Andre Correa do Lago, who headed Brazil’s delegation to the U.N. climate talks in Durban and will be a chief negotiator for Brazil in Rio.


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