Friday, February 03, 2012

Big Al Tells The Big Lie | Real Science

He is not seeing any melting glaciers, sea level is scarcely rising if at all, and even if the bogus GRACE ice mass interpretations were correct – Antarctica wouldn’t run out of ice for hundreds of thousands of years. Why don’t these scumbags tell us what they are actually seeing?

Huhne is no loss | Watts Up With That?

[Monckton] The sheer cost of these pointless, environment-wrecking “alternative” energy sources is so crippling that European governments, already near-bankrupted by their incompetent management of the mickey-mouse Euro, cannot any longer afford these self-indulgent indulgences. The removal of Mr. Huhne from the scene will at least take Britain one step nearer to sanity, scientific reality and economic common sense about climate change.

No Official Pictures from The Three Stooges | Real Science

The Gore/Hansen/Trenberth/Shemp(Branson) Antarctic propaganda team doesn’t seem to be releasing any photographs of melting snow and ice to the press. Sam Pucci’s pictures show us the problem. This year is so cold, that fresh snow is falling and fresh sea ice is forming at mid-summer.

- Bishop Hill blog - Note it: POST

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology has published a briefing paper on weather and climate. I've had a quick glance, and this caught my attention.

Natural forms of climate variability are likely to be the main influence on the UK’s climate over the next few decades.

ALEC At It Again, Now Pushing Climate Change Denial in Schools - Campus Progress

State legislators introducing the bills  are looking to mandate that public schools give a seat at the table to climate change deniers, suggesting that they are a valid alternative to the over-arching scientific consensus about the human causes of climate change as adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

EU tries to break carbon tax logjam

The European Union on Friday said it was willing to consider whether actions taken by India so far on the reduction of carbon emission will qualify as waiver under the controversial EU decision to imp­ose carbon tax on airlines using EU airports from January 1.

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