Tuesday, February 21, 2012

EU Referendum: Not even a rounding error

The warmists making such a fuss about the few million dollars funding directed at the Heartland institute might do well to recall the pledge made in Copenhagen in 2009 and the Cancun Agreements of December 2010.

These formally committed developed countries collectively to providing resources "approaching USD 30 billion for the period 2010 - 2012" to support developing countries' climate efforts.

Grist on Gleick: ‘Hero or Moron?’ | JunkScience.com

To give you an idea of how the greens view Gleick, they slammed Andy Revkin for “judginess.”

The Blackboard » Fakegate: The Mug

Quark Soup by David Appell: UCS: The Devil Made Him Do It

This is a disappointing response from the Kevin Knoblach, the President of the Union of Concerned Scientists:

"It’s unfortunate that the bitter, personal attacks on his colleagues and their work contributed to what he called a lapse of his own personal judgment and ethics."

This just isn't a time to for yeah-buts and they-do-it-too's. There just isn't any place for Gleick's illicit actions -- lying, at the least -- in science. And he is still a scientist, even if he is also an activist. This is the same thing that disturbed me about Michael Mann's apparent search for an journalist to "investigate and expose" Steve McIntyre. Science has its ethics, just as golfers are expected to call penalties on themselves even when no one else sees their foul. Gleick did, but only eventually and only when the suspicions grew. It wasn't right in the first place. It certainly undercuts Knoblach's sentence in the same message, that Gleick is "a strong advocate for the important role science plays in society."

Greenwire: Gleick a ‘warrior’ | JunkScience.com

Gleick is a legend in Greenwire’s own mind. 

In “Scientist who leaked Heartland documents is a well-known political warrior,” Greenwire describes admitted con man Peter Gleick as:

… a California-based climate and water researcher with a penchant for going after climate skeptics.

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