Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obama: Use 'algae' as substitute for oil | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

President Obama admitted today that he does not have a "silver bullet" solution for skyrocketing gas prices, but he proposed alternative energy sources such as "a plant-like substance, algae" as a way of cutting dependence on oil by 17 percent.

Selective Moral Outrage by the AAAS

James Hansen repeatedly made the charge during the Bush Administration that he was being muzzled by his bosses - yet he went around touting global warming regularly, making considerable sums of money doing so. This is an old dodge; accuse the enemy of what you yourself are doing. Critics of Global Warming theory are accused of trolling for cash, lying about research results, and repressing open inquiry, yet the big money is on the side of alarmists and the Climategate e-mails make it abundantly clear that it is the alarmist side using strong-arm tactics and repressing results. What can they do? They have to convince the public that THEY are the victims, and the victims are actually the perps. The science is clearly not on their side.

» Center for American Progress Took $453,250 From Natural Gas Billionaire T. Boone Pickens - Big Government

As environmental and liberal groups align against the natural gas industry and its controversial process of “fracking” to release natural gas trapped beneath deep shale layers, the Washington Post is reporting that in 2008 and 2009, the leftist think tank Center for American Progress accepted $453,250 from natural gas billionaire T. Boone Pickens

Heartland Institute's Corporate Shilling Is Nothing New | Tim Dickinson | Rolling Stone

Gleick's career suicide was not only counterproductive — Heartland is ably playing the victim in this case, garnering sympathy while impugning the integrity of climate scientists and their work — it was completely unnecessary. 

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