Friday, March 16, 2012

New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean |

Net CO2 absorption by the world’s oceans is known to benefit human-kind [how do we know that this is a benefit?] by reducing the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere

Germany’s Green Führism: We Have To Destroy It In Order To Rescue It. Green Infallibility Shows Its Ugly Side

Now mountain and hill tops are being deforested to clear the way for 200 meter tall monster industrial wind turbines. As the ZDF shows, greens are aghast.

Scientists who trade in doubt | The Australian

No doubt the views of Carter and some other contrarians are sincerely held. The motives of others are not so clear.

Harsh winter causes £600m road damage | This is Somerset

The AIA report also showed that damage caused by the harsh winter of 2010/11 cost £600 million, with two-thirds of councils unable to make good this damage.

OpEdNews - Article: Climate Change Denial is About Maintaining Control of the Wealth

"So, given that the Waxman-Markey bill would curb emissions over the next 40 years, it's a pretty simple job to tally up the potential benefits: about $1.5 trillion on the middle-of-the-road estimate. The benefits could be as low as $382 billion or as high as $5.2 trillion, depending on how you fiddle with the numbers.

"Since Waxman-Markey is meant to cost about $660 billion, that means the bill provides $2.27 in benefits for every dollar spent, the brief concludes.

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