Sunday, May 27, 2012

Krugman : Scientists Should Lie – To Force The Country Further Into Debt | Real Science

Climate scientists have been lying about an imaginary threat for decades. They should sue Krugman for plagiarizing their idea.

David Appell : The Global Cooling Denier | Real Science

David recites the usual denier crap on his blog. The ice age scare never happened, the CIA didn’t know what they were talking about, blah blah blah ….

But wait. There was that little thing about the directors of NCAR and CRU …..

The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: The Soda Water Scare

To suggest that today's minute supply of plant food in the atmosphere will cause an acidity crisis in the oceans is baseless scare mongering. The computer models used to forecast this disaster are no more reliable than those that have failed to forecast global temperatures for the last 15 years.

The soda water scare is not about ocean acidity. It is part of a scheme to drive fishermen from the Coral Sea promoted by the same people who want to force graziers from the grasslands, foresters from the forests and miners from the coal fields.

Capital to host launch of climate justice fund - Politics -

The First Minister welcomed the support of Robinson. He said: “Climate justice links human rights and development, and puts people at the heart of our economic system.

“Mary Robinson’s support is testament of the key role Scotland is playing in delivering climate justice.

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