Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Question: If climate science is really so simple, old, and basic, why do we need more than 300 "of the world's brightest minds concerned with climate change research" to journey to New Zealand to talk about it?

Follow-up question: Instead of constantly taking expensive taxpayer-financed long-haul planet-killing fossil-fueled flights to meet in person, why can't these people communicate through some combination of email, FaceTime, Facebook, Skype, blogs, telephone, Twitter, snail-mail, books, articles, YouTube, and peer-reviewed papers?

Conference coup

More than 300 of the world's brightest minds concerned with climate change research will gather in Queenstown after a successful first-time bid by Bodeker Scientific, Tourism New
Zealand's conference assistance programme (CAP) and the Queenstown Convention Bureau.

Flashback: Michael E Mann - News - The Daily Campus - University of Connecticut

“The scientific case is straightforward,” Mann said about global warming. “We know that temperatures are increasing, as to be expected with the greenhouse effect.” He explained that global warming was no hoax, describing the phenomenon as “basic physics and chemistry.”

Flashback:  Michael Mann, From The Trenches Of The 'Climate War' : NPR

I mean, the science - the basic science of the greenhouse effect is nearly two centuries old. There's no way that it's possible to continue burning fossil fuels and not warm the planet the way we're doing.

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