Can somebody, please, help George Will understand climate? -
In other words, June 2011 was in the top third of hottest Junes on record, as was July 2011, and August, and so on. According to NOAA, the odds of this occuring randomly are 1 in 1,594,323. Climate-change deniers such as Will are betting against very long odds, with the stakes being the quality of life of everyone on Earth.
Twitter / carbonbrief: New study by Cornell - "n
New study by Cornell - "no matter the drilling method, natural gas is a 'smart move' to combat climate change" -
Extreme weather: Linked to climate change? - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English
The report found that climate change is already underway in the US and these changes are projected to grow. It also found that heat is a leading cause of death in the US.
If James Hansen Designed A Bridge | Real Science
He would design it to last for 30 years under three different scenarios, but it would fall down when the first car drove over it.
Then he would blame Chinese aerosols and multi-metre sea level rise for the horrific math error he made – and tell everyone that it is worse than it seems, and that Obama has four years to save the planet (starting in 2009.)
Trees make a hockey stick snap | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
So much for the hockey stick. Warmist Fred Pearce of the New Scientist reports that maybe the world really was hotter not so long ago:
...Jan Esper of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, thinks that at least some of those tree rings actually show something else: a long-term cooling trend that lasted right up until the Industrial Revolution… His results suggest the Roman world was 0.6 °C warmer than previously thought – enough to make grape vines in northern England a possibility./blockquote>
Hell and High Histogramming – Mastering an Interesting Heat Wave Puzzle | Watts Up With That?
Finally, the sting in the end of the tale. With 1374 contiguous 13-month periods and a Poisson distribution, the number of periods with 13 winners that we would expect to find is 2.6 … so in fact, far from Jeff Masters claim that finding 13 in the top third is a one in a million chance, my results show finding only one case with all thirteen in the top third is actually below the number that we would expect given the size and the nature of the dataset …
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