Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another lie from climate hoax promoter David Suzuki: "According to a recent poll, only two per cent of Canadians reject the overwhelming scientific evidence that Earth is warming at alarming rates"

Climate change deniers are almost extinct | rabble.ca
Most North Americans know that human-caused global warming is real, even if political leaders don’t always reflect or act on that knowledge. According to a recent poll, only two per cent of Canadians reject the overwhelming scientific evidence that Earth is warming at alarming rates – a figure that may seem surprising given the volume of nonsense deniers (many of them funded by the fossil fuel industry) spread through letters to the editor, blogs, radio call-ins, and website comments.
David: Show me a recent poll that shows 98% of Canadians agreeing that "Earth is warming at alarming rates".


Robert of Ottawa said...

This is based upon a "poll" sponsored by the Canadian Carbon Capture Association, or somesuch green scam.

Anonymous said...

Suzuki is a master manipulator - Dont forget that it is his foundation that pays the bills for the PR firm that writes Desmog Blog.

The pollsters say that there is no comment on accuracy because it is not a random poll.

They may well have done it at an environmental organization meeting.

But it SURE to be re-reported

PantsOnFire said...

Suzuki: "only two per cent of Canadians reject the overwhelming scientific evidence that Earth is warming at alarming rates"

Poll: "Only two per cent of Canadians who responded to a new opinion poll believe climate change is not occurring."

Why does this guy have an credibility? He makes stuff up.