Liberals rejoice at the news that Hurricane Isaac could hit Tampa during the RNC - Orlando Political Buzz |
Just a friendly reminder of how the "tolerant" left really feels towards those with different opinions.Dr Pachauri's interview with VTC14.mpg - YouTube
In his interview with VTC14 during his visit Viet Nam from 16-18 August 2012, Dr Pachauri focused on challenges for Viet Nam in coping with climate change and what the country should do towards sustainable development and low-carbon economy.Electric Car Owners All Plug In at Once: Scientific American
The utilities are worried, however, that if too many people in a community charge their vehicles at the same time of day, that synchrony would create spikes in power demand that could force the power suppliers to turn on expensive "peak generators" such as gas turbines—costs the utilities would rather avoid, and would ultimately pass on to consumers.US green group echoes calls to close power stations - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
So would car owners all plug in at similar times? Early statistics from a concentration of electric car owners in Texas say, yes, they would.."What we assumed turned out to be true," Holcomb says. "People come home at the end of a day and turn everything on." That means the television, computer, air conditioning, other appliances—along with plugging in their electric car for a recharge...
The Youth Climate Coalition says new poll results show widespread support for the closure of coal-fired power stations.
Ms Sandell says most people do not want coal power.
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