Sunday, August 19, 2012

Treasured places: What to protect, when to retreat | The News Journal |
Climate change has long been debated. Yet today many state and federal officials say “the science is 99 percent settled.”

What they mean is that ruminant animal herds and human activities – coal-fired power plants, auto emissions and numerous other sources of gases – have already pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to ensure further rises in sea levels, ongoing extremes in the weather.
Jared's Weather Blog: OPINION: Climate Change is Natural
What should we expect in the future? We have already seen a couple years of cooling, after the PDO flipped to its cold phase. Expect a continued trend of cooling, until 2030 or so. Little Sun activity/ ocean cycles hint on this. I'm not saying the Earth will become a ice ball or something, but we are likely to have a mini ice age that will last a few decades. Talking ice ball, some people believed in "Global Cooling" in the 1970's. This was another time when the PDO was in its cold phase. the TIME Magazine was warning of the "coming ice age" and even the New York Times was saying it was evident that the planet was cooling. It's funny how these same people are hyping up "Climate Change" now.
Climate FAIL: Moonbeam Brown’s ‘denier page’ can’t even get the temperature graph right | Watts Up With That?
I find it to be exquisite irony that a “denier” (by his definition) has to point this out.

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