Monday, September 17, 2012

Philip Radford: Why Is Governor Cuomo Letting a Climate Science Denier Regulate Fracking?
Governor Cuomo relies on Bradley J Field -- a climate skeptic -- to head New York's Department of Environmental Conservation's Division of Mineral Resources. Unfortunately, Mr. Field has proven to be out of sync with the scientific community on the environmental issue with the greatest scientific consensus -- climate change. And despite this, he is responsible for making sure that New York's regulation of fracking is based on good science.

I was deeply troubled to discover that Bradley Field signed a document called the Oregon Petition, also known as the Global Warming Petition Project. The petition states "there's no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will in the foreseeable future cause, catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate."
False Balance Lives: In Worst Climate Story Of The Year, PBS Channels Fox News | ThinkProgress
My inbox has already overflowed with emails from climate scientists and others stunned by PBS’s lack of judgment.

The News Hour should look hard at what it is doing here and remember the golden rule of climate science journalism: If you want to write a golden story on climate science, spend your time talking to actual climate scientists.
Listen Up Greens: Natural Gas Is Responsible For About 77% Of U.S. CO2 Reductions In 2012 | The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Since gas is displacing more coal and oil than anything else, natural gas is cutting carbon emissions in the US more than anything else. That is a fact!
Peter Glover: Solar Eclipsed? | The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Energy Tribune: The global solar power industry is in crisis. The industry blames widespread national subsidy cuts and over productivity; China, in particular, being widely vilified on the second count. However, the real cause of the solar industry’s malaise runs deeper, rooted, as it is, in the inescapable fact that, in terms of current technology, commercial scale solar energy remains a non-viable proposition.
Twitter / bryanrwalsh: Moderating a panel in NYC ...
Moderating a panel in NYC tomorrow morning on climate change messaging, with , Elliot Diringer, Lisa Fernandez:

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