Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Save The Coal – Burn a Forest! « sunshine hours
But to burn vast quantities of trees and to build up a huge new infrastructure to burn wood instead of burning coal (or preferably natural gas) is insane. But thats what green policies do. They distort the market. They rewards people for doing insane things … like burning forests instead of coal or building wind turbines (and backup power plants) instead of reliable natural gas power plants.

Imagine … power plants burning forests will act as the backup power for unreliable wind turbines!
Report warns Europe 'urgently' needs to adapt to global warming:
German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen has called for more effort to highlight the need to adapt to global warming.
100 million will die by 2030 due to climate change.
[Warmist Matthew Yglesias in Slate]   The thing about developing countries is that they're really poor. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh notes that "one degree Celsius rise in temperature is associated with 10 percent productivity loss in farming" which is about 2 percent of his country's GDP. But 2 percent of Bangladesh's GDP is a really small number—$2.5 billion—since Bangladesh is so poor. Japan, by contrast, has a GDP of $5.87 trillion. So a policy that cost Japan 0.042 percent of GDP in order to avoid a loss of 2 percent of Bangladesh's output fails the cost-benefit test. Normal moral logic holds this to be a perverse result. Precisely because Japan is so much richer than Bangladesh, output loss in Bangladesh is a much bigger deal—literally a life or death matter for the population. But in the global growth calculus taking countries that are already poor with economies dominated by low-productivity agriculture and pushing them into famine conditions isn't a big deal compared to small reductions in rich country manufacturing and construction activity.
Antarctica Gains 2,400 Manhattans Of Ice Overnight | Real Science
Antarctica gained 140,000 km² of ice overnight, to reach the sixth highest daily area ever recorded. Another day like today, and tomorrow will break the all-time record for most sea ice ever measured at either pole.
Climate experts tell us that the poles are melting down and that penguins are in danger of extinction due to missing ice.
Are GMO foods safe? Opponents are skewing the science to scare people. - Slate Magazine
The study was riddled with errors—serious, blatantly obvious flaws that should have been caught by peer reviewers.

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