Friday, March 01, 2013

BBC News - Tackling northern Japan's record snow
Or, as some have suggested, is it another result of global warming?

Significantly the total amount of precipitation over northern Japan this winter is about the same as normal. The big difference has been the temperature. This winter has been a lot colder than usual.
State Dept. says no environmental bar to Keystone XL -
It’s a dark message to environmentalists, suggesting that the tar sands battle is lost.
Q and A: The Angry Economist -
The paradox of all this is the Europeans put all this effort into global leadership on carbon emissions, and that has failed. And the Americans arguably have no sensible energy policy at all, and no climate change policy, and have done much better. The reason has got nothing to do with policy. Gas arrived. America has as a result got out of coal and into gas. As gas is half the emissions of coal, you see this really sharp fall in emissions...But [the U.S.] compared with Europe? You’ve got competitiveness, you’ve got cheap energy, you’ve got an economic recovery, and you’ve got falling carbon emissions. And in Europe, it’s just denial. [In the Europeans' view], this is the land of the evil Bush who wouldn’t do anything about climate change.
Best of The Simpsons -Nelson Muntz- Ha-Ha! - YouTube

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