Thursday, May 23, 2013


My Interest Is Ending Junk Science | Real Science
Andy Revkin says that Marc Morano’s prime interest is sustaining fossil fuels, whatever that means.
I don’t know about Marc, but I don’t get paid to do this, and I don’t like cars. I ride my bicycle almost exclusively around town. I hate junk science, lies, and having politicians use junk science as an excuse to take our money and freedom.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds another non-hockey-stick in the Russian Subarctic
A new paper published in Quaternary Research reconstructs temperatures over the past 10,000 years in the Russian Subarctic, and finds temperatures were about 1C higher than the present during the Holocene Climate Optimum ~8,000 years ago. The authors also find a linear non-hockey-stick increase in temperature over the past 3,000 years to the present-day.
What If Grover Cleveland’s Hurricanes Happened Now? | Real Science
uring President Grover Cleveland’s tenure, and unbelievable 26 hurricanes made landfall in the US, including one with 155 MPH winds and a 15 foot storm surge – which wiped Indianola, Texas off the map.

By contrast, Obama has had only 3 hurricanes.
If that happened now, Democrats would be screaming to high heaven that this is all the proof we need to massively raise taxes and force socialism on the US.
1954-1955 : Five Major Hurricanes Struck The US In 14 Months | Real Science
It has been almost eight years since a major hurricane struck the US, the longest such period since the Civil War.

But from August 1954 through September 1955, five major hurricanes struck the US – Carol, Edna, Hazel, Connie and Ione

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