Saturday, December 21, 2013

After Suzanne Goldenberg makes a large, fraudulent claim about climate change spending, it gets very quietly "fixed" with the addition of weasel words "may" and "up to"

[Guardian story yesterday, from the Internet Archive] Conservative groups spend $1bn a year to fight action on climate change
Conservative groups have spent $1bn a year on the effort to deny science and oppose action on climate change
[Guardian story today] Conservative groups spend up to $1bn a year to fight action on climate change | Environment |
Conservative groups may have spent up to $1bn a year on the effort to deny science and oppose action on climate change
...This headline on this article was amended on 21 December 2013 to reflect that not all the $1bn referred to will have funded climate change work.
Twitter / kaleekreider: @DanJWeiss @pourmecoffee Bob ...
@DanJWeiss @pourmecoffee Bob Bruelle says headline misleading. $1billion is total avail not total spent on climate. I will forward email.
Update: Robert Brulle pushes back on Suzanne's fraud here.

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