Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Al Gore Gives Me Hope for a Better World

Al Gore Gives Me Hope for a Better World |
But I’m not complaining. Instead, this is a story about hope. Specifically, it’s about my hope to emulate Al Gore. I want to be like Al Gore for the same reason I listen to rap stars—I covet their conspicuous consumption. Al Gore was born into wealth, but he has made even more money by talking about global warming.

Al is so rich that he doesn’t have to use public transit like me. His main form of travel is a luxurious Lear jet. When he does have to drive around, he uses 2 big black SUV’s, which he leaves idling outside wherever he stops to make speeches about global warming. That way, he can keep the AC on.

I am thankful that I have heroes like Al Gore and rap stars in my life, because they give me hope for a better world, one in which I’ll never have to use public transportation.

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