Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wind Watch: Adding windmills to the Toronto skyline
David Suzuki’s rally to enlist people who do not live in the area to attend the meeting and voice their own concerns amounted to an invasion; a war perpetrated against the people who live there, vote and pay taxes. How dare he! The people of local municipalities should have the right to direct the course of their affairs in their own communities; that is why have local, elected officials and governments to represent the interests of our communities.

Communities, families and the environment are at stake and the only thing that CANWEA and the societies it supports can see are the $15 billion in government subsidies that are lining their pockets and make them appear to be green.
Al Fin: Watts Up With That Scores Hottest Climate Post
So that what we continue to see is a progressive divergence of climate models away from the observed temperature readings.

The sun drives the ocean oscillations. Ocean oscillations plus water vapour/cloud effects then drive Earth's climate. CO2 has only a marginal effect. The Earth is currently undergoing a cooling phase.

Too bad the US just elected a batch of carbon hysterics who are poised to take the US economy to the blood baths. Oh well. Perhaps Canada, Europe, and New Zealand will escape some of the self-inflicted slaughter to be perpetrated by alarmist climate orthodoxers. We know that India, China, and Russia will not submit themselves to the idiotic carbon hysteria religion of self-flagellation.

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