Sunday, April 26, 2009

Warning Signs: Solar Scenarios
Thus, while politicians and other charlatans preach “global warming”, talk of green jobs, and refuse to permit energy industries to have access to oil, natural gas, or coal, while planning to tax the emissions from what energy we do use, the Sun has other plans.
Senator Boxer Addresses California Democratic Convention: Curiously little emphasis on the climate scam
[In the closing paragraphs] Hope that in this resilient country of ours that I love with all my heart, we can seize this historic moment and turn our most daunting challenges into opportunities. We know it won't be easy or happen overnight. But we can't wait. Our families can't wait. Our energy and climate crisis can't wait. Our state can't wait. You know me. You know my record of public service. You know exactly where I stand. I have never been afraid to stand up to anyone ... and I have never been afraid to stand alone. But, most of all, I have always stood with the people of California.
Compromise climate [fraud] bill possible - Washington Times
Under the proposal, electric utilities would be given 40 percent of the allowances created through a "cap-and-trade" system that would require companies to hold one allowance for each ton of carbon dioxide they emit.

The changes would also:

• Strip a provision in the bill that would have allowed citizens to sue the government based on harm, or potential harm, from climate change.

• Provide bonus allowances for "early adopters" of clean coal technology.

• Scale back greenhouse gas reduction mandates compared with the Waxman-Markey bill; the alternative would require that carbon dioxide be reduced 6 percent by 2020, 44 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050. The Waxman-Markey bill has a much accelerated timeline.

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