Friday, May 15, 2009

C3: Require All U.S. States To Achieve Zero CO2: What Would Be Impact On Global Temps? Familiar With 'Nada'?
This third recent analysis confirms what our site reported here, and what the MasterResource blog reported based on their analysis last week. The conclusions: Fundamentally, that if the U.S. could reduce CO2 emissions to zero, the impact on global temperatures of that reduction will be negligible (barely measurable) by years 2050 and 2100. Literally, we can throw trillions of dollars down the CO2-reduction rat hole and gain absolutely nothing in return. This is especially true considering China's unbelievable growth of CO2 emissions.
David Frum: Cap and trade is a racket. And Democrats are ready to cash in - Full Comment
Who says Democrats wish to take from the poor to give to the rich?

In practice, they much prefer to take from everyone to give to their friends!

In the name of environmental protection, Democrats are readying just such a transfer on a scale that would have impressed the Pharaohs. Tens of billions of dollars, possibly hundreds of billions, will be shifted from American consumers of electricity to shareholders of favored utility companies in primarily blue states. Under the leadership of uber-liberal Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Democrats are determined to make their plan so complicated that taxpayers will not notice the flocks of dollars migrating from the middle of the country to the coasts.
Waxman’s Lower Standards Do Not Reduce Costs to Consumers » The Foundry
In truth, these concessions should be read as redistributive policy that attempt to mask the economic costs of the bill. Unfortunately, even if government selects a few winners, it’s the consumer that still ends up on the losing side.

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