Friday, May 15, 2009

Paul Krugman - Empire of Carbon - [How about we start a massive trade war over the greatest scientific fraud of all time?] -
As the United States and other advanced countries finally move to confront climate change, they will also be morally empowered to confront those nations that refuse to act. Sooner than most people think, countries that refuse to limit their greenhouse gas emissions will face sanctions, probably in the form of taxes on their exports. They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what? Globalization doesn’t do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.

It’s time to save the planet. And like it or not, China will have to do its part.
The Reference Frame: Paper: Greenland melt will add 18 cm by 2100
Their simulation rules out catastrophic hypotheses about the melting ice in Greenland, e.g. those by James Hansen (do you remember scientific reticence where he waved his hands about similar feedbacks and predicted 10-meter rise of sea level per century?). The simulation predicts 18 centimeters of rising sea levels by 2100 from this major source.
Skeptic's Corner: The Catlin Arctic Fraud (2)
Discussed previously was this teams’ questionable supporters, radical environmental groups with political agendas; their sentiment for this mission, “to secure a solution" in Copenhagen; and their funding sponsor, Catlin, an insurance company in the market to profit from global warming. Now that they’re off the ice and the ‘data’ has been collected one still must consider their motives and question the statements coming from this group.

For example, upon reaching Resolute the expedition leader, and most vocal member regarding climate change, Pen Hadow, said that the teams’ decision to end their mission was due to “an earlier than expected start to the summer melt season”. One must wonder how Pen didn’t come to the same conclusion in 2003 during his solo mission to the North Pole when sea-ice extent was over a quarter million square kilometers less than the same date this year.
Torture? Gore: “And slideshows are being shown intensively in the districts where undecided members of Congress are…trying to decide how they’re going to vote on this bill”
“Slide shows are being shown intensively”? That’s certainly torture to me. I think I’d rather be water-boarded than watch Gore’s AIT slideshow one more time.

The AP is reporting that Al Gore is in full-court desperation mode...

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