Thursday, June 04, 2009

Al Gore: Oil "Junkie" America Needs Third World Help | TechWatch | Fast Company
The former Vice President, clean-shaven in a dark suit and black cowboy boots, pauses. "Junkies find veins in their toes, when the veins in their arms and legs collapse," he says to Charlie Rose. The audience suffers an uncomfortable pause, and then laughs. Gore keeps a straight face. He isn't joking.
[Have you ever noticed that as you journey toward the equator, you always die?]: Climate change and Michiganders’ health
Climate change poses serious health hazards for Michigan residents, with the intense heat waves and severe weather that it brings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" hazards for Michigan residents..."

So shutting down the auto industry might actually be a good thing. Had they continued to produce millions of cars every year, their factories and the gas burning cars would have caused climate change and killed all of them.