Friday, June 19, 2009

White House and enviros amp up efforts to pass climate bill in House | Grist
Meanwhile, greens and other progressive groups are going at full tilt. On Wednesday, a coalition of environmental, labor, Hispanic, and veterans groups announced that they’re spending about $5 million on an “ad blitz” aimed at getting the climate bill passed. They’re running print ads [PDF] in the major Capitol Hill publications, plus online ads targeted at decision makers.
Here's the main text of the PDF above:
Instead of importing clean energy technologies manufactured overseas and allowing other countries to get further ahead, we can make the U.S. a global leader in the clean energy economy. Shifting U.S. energy production toward cleaner, cheaper sources will reduce our dangerous dependence on oil, protect our natural resources and create millions of new clean energy jobs — made right here in America.
Is this a sign that the Sierra Club et al are abandoning the "carbon dioxide will kill your grandchildren" line of argument?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Massive oil exploration in Alaska to become completely independent of imports, plus building more pipelines for the existing oilfield there (natural gas is being "sealed" in Prudhoe bay, because nobody built a pipeline for it), all that would be big enough to employ all these people whom they want to do "green jobs", such as "planting trees on rooftops".