Friday, June 19, 2009

Why can't Johnny? - Washington Times
If Johnny had a solid elementary and secondary education in the fundamentals of the "Three Rs", he might today be more skilled at the fourth R, reasoning. And we might not now be asking, "Why can't Johnny think for himself about the magnitude of human contributions to global warming?" Or better yet, "Why does Johnny believe that the very gas he exhales is going to destroy his world? How can he be so easily duped?"
Regardless, a rapidly growing body of knowledgeable atmospheric and environmental scientists and engineers are becoming man-made global warming skeptics. These scientists and engineers, who typically are not beneficiaries of the bloated bag of government cash available for climate studies or are simply retired from the field, are discovering the substantial alternative explanations to "human-released CO2 = man-made global warming formula. Such alternative explanations include the overarching long-term balance in nature between what is exhaled by people and their industrial activities and what is "inhaled" by vegetation and the oceans, along with variability in incoming solar radiation, the disproportionate impact of cosmic rays on cloud condensation nuclei formation at different altitudes in the troposphere, and the combined contributions from naturally occurring El Nino, Pacific decadal and North Atlantic oscillation events, to name a few.

Why can't Johnny even consider these alternative views. The problem is that Johnny has not been instructed in how to think - how to evaluate a proposed cause and effect, how to weigh alternatives, how to distinguish between hypothesis and reality, or simply how to put things into perspective. Instead, Johnny has been hobbled in his assessment skills by a woefully inadequate early education. And higher education generally does little to remedy his situation. At graduation, Johnny has been largely indoctrinated, not educated. Thus, his cap and gown do little to cover his understanding of "cap and trade."
Breaking: Indian cows produce almost as much methane in a day as a Danish cow can produce in a year
Pointing out that the livestock population in India is very large, Mr. Srivastava said the challenge is to increase the milk production and reduce the number of animals, including 280-290 million cattle as they emit maximum methane gas.

He said 80-100 kg of methane emission, considered one of the reasons for global warming, takes place per day from each cow or buffalo.
Danish Project to Reduce Emissions from Cows
If you use available figures to calculate the emission from Danish agriculture, the methane production from livestock digestive systems is 133,000 t per year, with cattle contributing 114,000 t in burps and farts! This corresponds to 118 kg per dairy cow per year – which is half a litre of fuel oil per day.

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