Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cap, trade bill is not energy bill | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
The House of Representatives passed a piece of legislation called “cap and trade” earlier in this session. There are several problems with this bill. The most obvious is that it is not an energy bill. States that are energy poor will profit from this bill. And, it will benefit nations such as China and India, who refuse to limit emissions. It will not benefit North Dakota; it will penalize our state because we are a major fossil fuel producer. With a carbon tax imposed on our producers, North Dakota will subsidize the rest of the nation. It will raise the cost of production throughout our economy and place our manufacturers and agricultural producers at a severe competitive disadvantage. It is a tax bill, and a bad one at that.
My Thoughts: Doing 'right thing' requires giving thought to some things : Columnists : Memphis Commercial Appeal
First, let the "cap and trade" bill that passed in the House of Representatives die in the Senate. There's a general consensus that this bill will increase energy costs, especially in states like Tennessee that depend on coal-fired power plants for much of their electricity needs. Supporters point to the "green jobs" that this bill will create. We know from Spain's experience with cap and trade that it does create green jobs. Unfortunately, for every green job created, 2.2 other jobs are lost.
Daily Herald | Can you make sense of this [climate hoax] bill?
Imagine how many bureaucrats and customer reports will be required to interpret and administer this lonely paragraph.

Then think about how many bureaucrats it will take to administer and interpret the remaining 1,200 pages.
Backlash From House Climate Bill is Driving Senate Delays | Richmond Times-Dispatch
The common sense and good judgment of the American people tell them that this policy is both counterintuitive and unrealistic.

The backlash we're witnessing from the House vote calls to mind a 1787 letter in which Thomas Jefferson reminded James Madison that "a little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical world."

Today, congressmen who voted for the bill are experiencing that necessary rebellion in their districts. Case in point: When asked at a town hall meeting if he believed the majority of citizens would vote for the cap-and-trade bill if it were put to a public vote, Rep. Harry Teague (D-N.M.) mistakenly answered, "I believe they would." The crowd responded with a resounding "NO!"

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