Tuesday, August 25, 2009

[Did carbon dioxide from your SUV cause the drought that killed this Kenyan cow?] - Kansas City Star
In this photo taken Tuesday, Aug, 18 2009, an unidentified Maasai man stands near to a cow's carcass, at Gathiuru forest, in Nanyuki, on the slopes of Mount Kenya. Maasai herdsmen have been the most affected by a prolonged drought that is being blamed on climate change.
[Before SUVs could be blamed, what caused the ancient African droughts?] - New Scientist
CHARRED remains of ancient rainmaking fires are helping to date droughts in Iron Age Africa to within 20 years.

After a several years of little or no rainfall, the Bantu people near modern-day Zimbabwe would send a rainmaker to nearby hills. "They'd burn fires with dark smoke to call black rain clouds from the mountains," says Thomas Huffman at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Villagers were also made to burn grain bins if they had planted "unlucky" foreign seeds.
Ivory Tower Energy Policy: Energy efficiency obviates need for new coal? « Green Hell Blog
The fact that reduced energy use and economic growth have never occurred simultaneously in the in the history of mankind seems to have been overlooked by these researchers.
Inherit the Wind: A Scopes Trial for Climate Change? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
Don’t tell Al Gore, but it seems the science behind climate change isn’t settled to everyone’s satisfaction.
Cap-and-Trade is a Ball-and-Chain for Poor Americans -- Opinion Central -- GOPUSA
As Congress considered the Waxman-Markey "cap-and-trade" bill, President Obama rallied House Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats at the White House. In making a point, he gestured to Abraham Lincoln's portrait and said, "He had a chance to affect history. You, too, have a chance to affect history."

How ironic.

Lincoln is remembered for liberating blacks from slavery. Cap-and-trade legislation supported by Obama, allied lawmakers and now the NAACP would, conversely, enslave all Americans.

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