Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is ‘Green China’ just hot air? - Telegraph Blogs
The truth is that the Chinese are playing a very canny game, building up ‘green credentials’ in public while maintaining a much more hard-line stance in private. In short, they are keeping everyone guessing, which is understandable in this global game of carbon-poker.

But it also means we should be wary of drinking the ‘Green China’ kool-aid just yet.
July '09: Does Climate Catastrophe Pass the Giggle Test?
My conclusion is that this version of climate catastrophe, at least, does not pass the giggle test. There may be other versions, based on more pessimistic predictions of climate change, that do. But the claim that we now have good reason to expect climate change on a scale that will produce not merely problems for some but catastrophe for many is one that no reasonable person should take seriously. [Via Benny Peiser]
Civil Disobedience is Necessary to Kill Coal |
Civil rights activists didn’t sit around waiting for politicians to ‘see the light’ and take action – and neither should we. If we want to shut down coal plants and prevent catastrophic global warming, we’ve got to put our necks on the line: that’s the message that Salon is sending out in an article entitled “How to kill a coal plant”.
All right, but is it still not OK to ask tough questions at town hall meetings?

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