Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama: From one extreme to another | Capitol Hill Blue
Turn to Jeff Jacoby of The Boston Globe, who summed some of them up. The columnist noted Holdren once said that famines would soon be afflicting us big time, thanks to carbon dioxide. By 2020, a billion would die. Contrary to scientists who see sea level rises of 13 inches by century's end, he sees a rise of 13 feet. He thinks we ought to "de-develop" the United States. A dogmatist on the subject of catastrophic global warming, Holdren believes those with different views "infest" public discussion.
Think of Holdren as a symbol of what we are learning about this administration, that what it reflects is not the Barack Obama who first came to widespread public attention giving a Democratic convention speech about finding a middle way, but the Obama who put together the most left-wing voting record in the U.S. Senate during that part of his tenure when he actually showed up for votes instead of campaigning for president.
Energy workers slam climate change measure | Business | - Houston Chronicle
David Bowdle, who stood on the sidewalk in front of the event holding a sign reading “Global Warming is a Hoax,” said organizers didn't allow him in.
Man-made climate change is a myth – and economic crash is good news, says Tory guru - News
But then [Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who penned the book The Black Swan] waded into controversy by making a series of pronouncements about climate change, and that he liked market crashes.

He said: "I'm a hyper-conservative ecologically. I don't want to mess with Mother Nature. I don't believe that carbon thing is necessarily anthropogenic (derived from human activities]."
[Seattle: Global warming fraud promoter Nickels in trouble]
Mayor Greg Nickels was in danger of not making it out of the primary as early Tuesday night returns showed him in third place behind environmentalist Michael McGinn and businessman Joe Mallahan.
June '09: YouTube - Mayor Greg Nickels 2009 Campaign Kick-Off: Global Warming
Mayor Nickels is a leader in climate change protection and will continue to make it a priority in his next term.

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