Monday, August 03, 2009

Who’s a climate scientist? Depends on which side you’re on. | Myron Ebell
My point is that prominent scientists with long publications records, such as Bob Carter, are routinely described by the media as not being climate scientists and really not reputable scientists at all if they aren’t on the alarmist bandwagon. On the other hand, lawyers expressing alarmist views are described as prominent scientists. And the scientists regularly put forward in the media as the world’s leading climate experts often turn out to be computer modelers with little or no background in climate science, Ph. D.s who spent their entire careers in administration, or astronomers who are experts on the atmosphere of Venus.
[CO2, the diabolical trace gas: It's a boon for everything that's bad, and it's devastating to anything that's good]
Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in a warming world may have a drastic effect on the potency of opium poppies, according to a new study. While this increase might mean more morphine available for legal pharmaceutical uses, the painkiller is also the main ingredient in heroin.
Climate change to encourage coffee pest: study | Green Business | Reuters
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Rising temperatures in the tropics due to climate change are likely to encourage the proliferation of the coffee berry borer, one of the crop's most devastating pests, a study released on Monday showed.
Misleading clucks by James M. Taylor, senior fellow of environmental policy at The Heartland Institute | Climate Realists
When computer models, programmed by people who already have a dog in the global warming fight, produce projections that are strongly and consistently contradicted by real-world climate, a prudent observer takes such projections with a grain of salt.

By failing to follow this commonsense advice, Penn State and DEP have issued very suspect predictions of future climate in Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CO2 is a satanic gas. Climate change means change for the worse in 100% of all cases, invasion of spiders where people are scared of them, and killing of spiders where they are desired. Making crops, birds, frogs, fish, bigger or smaller, thicker or thinner, changing colors, it jinxes the parameters of nature so we face hell on earth until we stop emitting CO2 and the climate becomes 100% constant again.