Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hit & Run > German Company Wants to Generate Both Heat and Light In Your Basement - Reason Magazine
Hmmm. If one is worried about man-made global warming, why would you want to replace two non-carbon dioxide emitting nuclear power plants with thousands of little CO2 producers?
Boxer-Kerry Unveil Their Energy Tax Bill: Incomplete But Still Very Harmful » The Foundry
Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.) introduced the Senate companion to the Waxman-Markey climate change legislation today and while many pieces are missing, the framework in place spells bad news for every American energy consumer, especially low income ones.
Ramblings on cap and trade
Carbon credits will be bought and sold through the CCE, with the bank Goldman-Sachs handling the carbon credit trades and earning, potentially, billions of dollars in commissions.

What is “funny” is that two major owners of the CCE are former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the former chairman of Goldman-Sachs, Hank Paulson. And it’s Al Gore who has been going around for several years now, flying around on his very pricey private jet, telling us all about global warming. Sniff; hmm, what’s that smell? A rat, perhaps?
Cap and trade: the economic suicide act | John D. Trudel - -
As to global warming: It's not happening. Though carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is slowly increasing, there has been no warming for the past 10 years. For the past seven it's been getting cooler. Thousands of scientists all over the world are skeptical of Gore's theory.

Cap and trade is economic suicide. It will severely damage the economic climate without improving the weather one bit.

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