Saturday, September 12, 2009

Viewpoint: Cap and trade not good for farmers
Let me make it very clear Indiana Farm Bureau is committed to a clean environment; farmers all across the state work daily to improve water, air and soil quality. But this legislation does little but increase costs for farmers, consumers and the elderly; plus it drives U.S. jobs overseas and does not prevent China and India from increasing their smokestack emissions.
Tens Of Thousands Mad As Hell At DC Tea Party
I think it immediately sucks significant political support out of Obama care, more bailouts, the carbon tax stuff as anyone who is up for reelection and isn't in a politically slam dunk district/state is going to try to avoid getting a “GO HOME” vote from these folks. This goes especially for anyone down south who got in on an anti-bush/pro-change we can believe in stance. This is particularly important in a congressional only election where voter turnout is the key to everything. My guess is that no significant legislation will pass before the next election.
Obama’s Coercive Utopia
In global warming today’s coercive utopians have discovered the most potent apocalyptic nightmare thus far devised with which to mobilize masses. Act now to contain greenhouse gases or the earth is doomed. At least the pollution with which the utopians in the 1970s frightened the public (“the generations now on earth may be the last” read the cover of one environmentalist handbook) was real. Man-made global warming is science by “consensus” with the consensus manufactured by the media, which treats dissenters as “flat-earthers.” Anyone interested in going beyond the unscientific fear-mongering should read Climate Change Reconsidered (880 pages, not beach chair reading), describing the findings of hundreds of scientists who are not supposed to exist. It includes a statement signed by 31,478 supposedly non-existent scientists that there is no convincing scientific evidence that man-made global warming will cause a catastrophic disruption of the earth’s climate.

The utopians (as some of them have been honest enough to admit) don’t care if the global warming apocalypse is a scam. It provides grounds to take control of energy and with it the economy. As Van Jones put it shortly before his White House departure: “If all you do is have a clean energy revolution, you won’t have done anything…No, we gonna change the whole system.”

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