Monday, October 12, 2009

Early bout of winter slams through Prairies - The Globe and Mail
It was for some the coldest Thanksgiving weekend in 50 years. In southwestern Alberta, temperatures in Waterton Lakes National Park fell to -24, dropping a full 14 degrees below the previous record. Waters froze hard enough at Sandy Beach Lake, 65 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, that a snowmobiler attempted to drive out onto the ice. He broke through, however. Searchers began looking for him yesterday afternoon.
While at least one Rocky Mountain ski hill happily reported the earliest snowmaking start on record, farmers watched snow blanket fields, knowing they may not be able to harvest what remains. In Saskatchewan, 35 per cent of the canola crop is still standing, some of it in the most fertile areas of the province.
LETTERS: Al Gore gets rich off of global warming scam - Opinion -
I want to believe that the people in power in this country are intelligent enough to see through this scam and will change course regarding cap and trade, coal-fired plant bans, and other feel-good policies that a country in deep debt cannot afford. Evidence seems to indicate I give them too much credit.

Donald bittle
HeraldNet: Best beware of climate gathering
His regulatory “czar,” Cap Sunstein, in his 2007 Chicago Law School paper stated that America should pay “justice’’ to the world by entering into a compensation agreement that would be a net financial loss for the U.S., arguing it’s “desirable” to redistribute America’s wealth to poorer nations. He stated in his article, “Climate Change Justice,” that “If we care about social welfare, we should approve of a situation in which a wealthy nation is willing to engage in a degree of self-sacrifice when the world benefits more than that nation loses.”
YouTube - The Complete List of Things Caused By Global Warming

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