We must work together to keep the lights on - Ed Miliband - Times Online
[Watching "The Summer Game" in an allegedly overheated world]
The central challenge for energy policy is to deliver on climate change and energy security at the least cost...It is the low-carbon, home-grown energy scenario that would give the best guarantee of energy security and the lowest price increases.Steve Fielding says the Greens’ ETS plan is foolish and economically laughable
The Greens would rather send Australia back to the Stone Age than use common sense in negotiating on an Emissions Trading Scheme, Family First’s Senator Steve Fielding said today.My experience at Game 3 - Purple Row
“I don’t know what planet the Greens are on, but by the look of their ‘Safe Climate Bill’ they look like they’re lost in space,” Senator Fielding said.
“If Bob Brown and his hippy friends really believed in their cause they’d ride their bikes to Parliament House instead of using the Commonwealth’s petrol-guzzling V8s.
It was freezing cold. While some fans remained rowdy, the chilly temperatures sucked the life out of what I would expect for a playoff crowd. In the critical ninth, few stood and even the big screen that pined for life from the crowd wasn't enough motivation to thaw the fans. The towels didn't have quite the desired effect. This isn't an indictment, as I myself was fairly stagnant. It was just cold.
[Watching "The Summer Game" in an allegedly overheated world]
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