Carve out clear options, UN climate [hoax] moot told
BARCELONA, Spain (AFP) - Negotiators meeting for a final session before a worldwide conference on climate change were urged on Monday to craft simple, clear options for politicians facing next month’s haggle in Copenhagen.Republicans Are Smarter, No Matter Obama’s Scorn: Kevin Hassett -
...By double-digit margins, more Republicans than Democrats knew that the cap-and-trade bill is about energy and the environment, that Democrats are the majority party in the House of Representatives, and even that Sonya Sotomayor -- a Democrat, appointed by a Democratic president, confirmed by a Senate with a Democratic majority -- is the new Supreme Court justice.Elizabeth Kolbert: Al Gore and “Our Choice”: News Desk : The New Yorker
Another way to determine which party is smarter is to look at results of the General Social Survey, administered by the National Opinion Research Center. It includes a vocabulary test, known as Wordsum, that correlates strongly with IQ scores.
In the 2008 survey, the average score of Republicans was about 10 percent higher than that of Democrats. That’s consistent with the results in previous years.
I would add parenthetically add that I’m a recovering politician now, on about step nine—gore "recovering politician" - Google Search
...I make an argument that cynicism and denial have no place when reality still offers hope, and the vast majority of the most knowledgeable climate scientists do believe that we probably still do have time to avoid the worst of the consequences of the climate crisis and set the stage for a long but ultimately successful recovery of the earth’s ecological integrity, to the point where it is again hospitable to human civilization.
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