Tuesday, November 03, 2009

[People selling wool suggest that if you buy a lot of wool products, future weather won't be as bad as it otherwise might be!]
‘Wool has an important role to play as part of the everyday carbon solution. Ours is an ambitious plan to let the world know just how versatile our great natural fibre is. It’s wool’s time to help the planet and for us to sell more wool in the process,’ says alliance chair and AWI board member Chick Olsson.
[Gore's fraud affects a "significant portion of Minnesota's energy future"] - TwinCities.com
Developers of the controversial Big Stone II power plant in Milbank, S.D., said Monday they will not build the $1.6 billion coal-fired project, ending a four-year battle between utilities and environmentalists over a significant portion of Minnesota's energy future.
The plant had made it through a series of environmental and other regulatory hurdles, only to stumble because of the recession and uncertainty about federal climate-change regulations that scared off banks and other potential partners.
[Some significant weasel words here]: Obama hopes for climate [hoax] "deal" at Copenhagen
"We are confident that if all countries involved recognize this is a unique opportunity, that we can get an important deal done, not (one) that solves every problem on this issue but takes an important step forward and lays the groundwork for further progress in the future," Obama told a joint White House press conference with Reinfeldt.
Activists ring alarm clocks for climate change talks - People's Daily Online
Two hundred activists stood outside the conference venue holding their clocks high and shouting: "Tick tick tick, we need common action quick!" [hey, that rhymes!]

The activists turned the time on some of the clocks to 3:50, for the reason that 350 ppm (part per million) is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere according to some scientists.
“tck tck tck” Idiots sing for Climate Change | Political News | Annuit Coeptis
Sadly, the artists are lame and the song is not very creative. They’ve basically taken Midnight Oil’s 1987 hit, “Beds are Burning,” and got a 2nd grader that attended an ALGORE lecture on the end of the world to rewrite the lyrics. Bravo folks, we really are getting dumber.
CONFER: The cost of cap and trade: Part 1
Sitting near the top of the Left’s ambitious agenda is the tempering of alleged man-made global warming. The Democrat-controlled Congress and Obama administration hope to achieve this goal through a variety of tactics which include green energy incentives, stricter environmental regulations and the absolutely ludicrous concept of cap and trade.
UN Climate Chief Praises China, Says US Must Deliver Concrete 2020 Target | SolveClimate.com
A decision by the Obama administration to put a concrete 2020 target on the table could be the game changer for the world, he suggested.

According to de Boer, this could be possible. For one, there is an emerging consensus from Congress, big business, the U.S. energy industry and the public on the value of climate change change action for the first time, he said.

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