Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Interview: David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA Heliospheric Team Leader | Solar Cycle 25
I am writing a paper – it’s on my computer as we speak (laughs) – basically saying that I made a big mistake – myself and Bob Wilson – when we wrote a paper in 2006, suggesting Solar Cycle 24 was going to be a huge cycle based on conditions at that time.
How Small Will Solar Cycle 24 Be?

I’ve come around to that view now. I think there is little doubt in my mind now that we’re in for a small cycle. The big question now is how small? I think most of us are predicting small cycles. I think even the techniques I’m using now are suggesting HALF the size of the last three or four solar cycles, but my fear is that even that might be too big just from the fact that it’s taken so long for this Solar Cycle 24 to really get off the ground and start producing sunspots.
Church of England to encourage tree planting to [improve future weather] - Telegraph
The Church of England is to encourage tree planting and ''eco-twinning'' with the developing world as part of efforts to combat climate change.
New study shows how local land use changes can affect surface temperature « Watts Up With That?
“What we highlight here is that a significant trend, particularly the warming trend in terms of temperatures, can also be partially explained by land-use change,” said Dev Niyogi, a Purdue earth and atmospheric sciences and agronomy professor, and the Indiana state climatologist. He is the study’s corresponding author.

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