Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Migrant Mind: Does Pan Evaporation Indicate A Cooling World?
Maybe the explanation for the pan paradox is that the earth ISN'T warming but is really cooling. That too would explain why it is harder to evaporate a pan today than 50 years ago, contrary to the expectations of global warming. It would also fit into the general decline of temperature since the last deglaciation, as seen in the deuterium in the ice cores.
Some Comments on the Lindzen and Choi (2009) Feedback Study « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
In any event, I don’t think the question of exactly what feedbacks are exhibited by the ERBE satellite is anywhere close to being settled.
Climate survey update
In less than three days more than 3,000 of you have taken the time and made the effort to fill out this survey. By comparison, Pew's survey on climate change in October of this year gathered 1,500 answers.
Oh no, not this Kilimanjaro rubbish again! « Watts Up With That?
Gore started this. Note to journalists everywhere: IT’S THE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION STUPID!
Jim Hansen is not alone: More Warmist "adjustments" to pesky data
The high-quality Argo data has been embarrassing Warmists because it shows the ocean as cooling. So what to do? Say that the sensors showing most cooling are "bad" and discard their data. Then combine the data from the remaining sensors with data known to show too much warming and -- hey presto! -- you have got rid of that pesky ocean cooling! Relevant excerpt below
The Expensive Failure of Europe’s Emissions Trading Scheme: A Summary — MasterResource
The ETS has been an expensive failure, and the heaviest price has been paid by those least able to bear it. The last thing America should do is follow such an example.

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