Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Reference Frame: Religions unite against global warming
The defenders of a fight against climate change have realized that their ideology doesn't fit together with science too smoothly. It turned out that religion is the right framework for their goals.

Al Gore has come to the same conclusion.
[So what did the poles look like during the 4.5 billion years when Steger didn't visit?]
Over the past 40 years, Steger said he has seen firsthand the effects of global warming on the poles.
Lawrence Solomon: Canadian concern over climate change plummeting - FP Comment
According to a new Climate Confidence Monitor survey released today, support for action on climate change is plummeting in Canada. Just 26% of Canadians consider global warming among their chief concerns, down from 34% in 2008.

Concern in the U.S. is even lower - just 18% , down from 26% in 2008. The UK's level of concern is the lowest of all, a mere 15%, down from 26% in 2008.
Denbury buys Encore, Potentially Creating a CO2 Injecting Giant - Environmental Capital - WSJ
...the deal brings together two companies at the forefront of figuring out how to collect manmade carbon dioxide and ship it to aging oilfields, where it is can be used in enhanced-oil recovery operations to coax additional barrels out of the earth. Denbury is building a carbon-dioxide pipeline from Louisiana to south of Houston. Encore is looking to do a similar project up in the Rockies.

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