Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Gore interview with Katie Couric: More blatant, pure climate fraud from Al Gore

Gore compares global warming skeptics to moon landing deniers
"The United Nations organized, along with the scientific bodies of the national academies of science and their counterparts, the 3,000 best scientists in the world from all of the fields that are relevant to this issue," he explained. "Over the last 20 years they have conducted the most exhaustive examination ever on a challenge like this.

"They've issued four reports -- they've all been unanimous, and the last one called the evidence unequivocal. Now, does that mean there are still some people who are gonna have a contrarian view? No, of course there will still be some. But, there are still some people who believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot. You know, a significant percentage as it turns out ... Or that the Earth is flat. But that doesn't lead public policy makers to take both sides of that into account."
@katiecouric: Full Al Gore interview (32 minutes) - CBS News Video

Al Gore on Climate Change Critics - (2 minutes) CBS News Video
During an interview with Katie Couric, former Vice-President Al Gore addressed criticisms from leading scientists and researchers who have discredited his positions on global climate change.  [Gore: In fact, the consensus on the science of global warming is as settled as it ever gets in science.]

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