Monday, January 04, 2010

C3: The Bogosity of IPCC CO2 Measurements: Ignoring Actual CO2 Readings To Push A Political Agenda
There are definite questions about how the IPCC has only pushed a single, fabricated view of CO2 science, which seems to dovetail so neatly with their leftist-liberal, big government solutions.
CO2 – a bit-part player in ‘global warming’ | The SPPI Blog
4. There is about 70 times as much CO2 dissolved in the oceans as there is in the atmosphere. The oceans, of course, must remain pronouncedly alkaline, since they run over rocks. The very small increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (only one-third of which will end up in the oceans) is simply not sufficient to acidify the oceans in any event. Just under half of the CO2 we emit remains in the atmosphere, though much of this would eventually be taken out by carbon sinks if we were to stabilize our emissions of CO2. Fortunately, CO2 is now known to be only a bit-part player in “global warming”, so there is no need for us to stabilize our emissions at all. We can emit as much as we like, and the climate will be almost entirely unaffected.
C-Questor Carbon Markets and Climate Change News Letter: Eco-warrior plans cities with soul to help save the planet
Mr Clarke admits that learning to accept a degree of hypocrisy is a fundamental part of being an eco-warrior. The one thing that he has failed to curtail in the name of the environment is air travel.
Top Ten Green Auto Headlines of 2009 - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
No industry attracts the scorn of Greens like autos. And in 2009, government barbarians successfully crashed the gates of two auto giants (actually, the companies let them in!), gaining unprecedented authority over the industry’s products. Herewith the worst green moments from the year past
Note the number of bald-faced lies in this video of fraudster Al Gore with Kevin Rose.

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