Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Dog Ate my Data: Pachauri: "Let Them Eat Cake"
For Pachauri this whole carbon catastrophy is a joke.

The joke is on us.
Roping hope back into discussions of global warming
The next generation of climate [hoax] enthusiasts will need to offer hope and optimism, rather than a thin gruel of humorless sacrifice.
Twitter / Christina Nowacki: RT @OTOOLEFAN Funny how so ...
RT @OTOOLEFAN Funny how so many who don't believe in climate change DO believe that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old [how many actually believe this?].
C3: Was It Warmer At Northern Latitudes During Medieval Period? The Treelines Don't Lie, Unlike The IPCC Tree-Rings
The IPCC and its Climategate scientists became completely possessed in proving the Medieval Warming Period did not exist. This caused them to rely on non-professional, highly questionable statistical methods and obvious fraudulent tree-ring data manipulation in order to "prove" that the Medieval Warming really did not exist, despite the preponderance of actual historical writings about that actual warming era. In addition to the written recorded history of the Medieval Warming, scientists have documented hundreds of sites, globally, confirming the warming during the Medieval Period. One such site was in northern Russia, where it has been established that the treeline existed at a much higher elevation during Medieval times, due to the unprecedented warmth.
The Reference Frame: IPCC: climbers magazine, student dissertation in, sex novels out
I think it's fair to say that this book proves that Pachauri is not only a liar but a f***ing liar. ;-)

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