Tuesday, February 23, 2010

£2.5m to fix winter potholes (From South Wales Guardian)
IT HAS been estimated that the recent bad weather has caused around £2.5million damage to Carmarthen-shire’s road network.
Lincoln on verge of one chilly record
Lincoln will set a record for fewest days with temperatures 40 degrees or higher this winter, often defined meteorologically -- according to the National Weather Service -- as the months of December, January and February.

Through Monday, Lincoln had five days since Dec. 1 on which the temperature hit 40 degrees or higher, easily outdistancing the record low number of 14 days in 1978-79. Even if the temperature reaches 40 or higher for the rest of the week, the new record will stand. The forecast says Saturday has the best chance of reaching 40; 37 is now predicted.

Omaha has had four days of 40 or warmer; its existing record is eight days, also set in 1978-79.
CO2 Science: A Century of High and Low Snowfall Extremes in the United States
Although climate alarmists continue to claim that global warming leads to more extremes (highs and lows) of all types of weather-related phenomena (such as floods and droughts, for example), this study demonstrates that such has not been the case with respect to snowfall averaged over the entire United States throughout the period of time -- the latter 100-plus years -- when the world's radical environmentalists contend that the earth warmed at a rate and to a level that was unprecedented over the past one to two millennia.
Turning peer review into modern-day holy scripture | spiked
Today, many such people can count on the authority enjoyed by climate science to avoid having to engage with the criticisms or concerns of the public. That is why, even when the emperor is caught without his proper peer reviews, the IPCC can still carry on by blaming the little boy for being too sceptical.

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